Montreal native and singer Kathy Veer has performed everywhere from cafés to churches to concert halls. She developed a keen interest for music at the tender age of four, listening to artists like Al Martino, Sarah Vaughn, Dionne Warwick, and the Supremes. At the age of eleven, she joined the school choir and it so inspired her, that she wrote her first song. Her music teacher was amazed, and sent her song to Anne Murray to be recorded. Though nothing materialized, Kathy did perform the song with the school choir at their year end concert.
At the age of fourteen, Kathy gained an interest in the drum set. The next year she was chosen to play drums for her high school’s nationally acclaimed big band (through the Canadian Stage Band Festival). She held that chair through grade twelve, and went on to play for the City of Edmonton big band for another year. At twenty, Miss Veer entered music school where she earned an associate’s degree in music composition. She also sang with various jazz, pop, rock, and country groups and earned her living as a working musician through the 1980s.
Kathy enjoyed many musical opportunities, but the flip side of that was the fast lane and the night life. Her existence spiraled into an emptiness that over-shadowed her life in profound ways. She had met the Lord Jesus at age thirteen, but wasn’t ever serious about him until this crisis. At age twenty-seven, with no hope left for living, Kathy gave her heart to Jesus Christ. It was the best decision she ever made. Of course her life didn’t get tidied up in an instant. But before too long, God had set her feet on a straight path, and good things began to happen.
In 1992, Miss Veer felt God was calling her back to school. She went to study at Toccoa Falls College in Toccoa, Georgia, majoring in psychology and Christian counseling. After receiving her bachelor’s degree, she proceeded to work in this field over the next year. But she knew in her heart this was not the profession for her. She hadn’t made any other plans, and was listening intently for what God might have in store for her.
The Lord showed her His will in a mighty way when he brought a husband into her life. He was a minister and loved God. Soon, they knew the Lord was calling them to marry. They wed in 1997, and pursued various types of ministries over the years. Prison ministry has been a big part of their lives. Kathy set up a choir and rhythm section at Augusta State Medical Prison, and directed that group for about three years. Later, God opened the door for Kathy to direct a small church choir in Gibson, Georgia. She was there for five years.
Kathy Veer currently hosts praise and worship on a fill in basis and offers concerts in church sanctuary settings. She ministers along side her husband through various venues. But her greatest desire is that people everywhere would know the Lord, Jesus in a close, intimate way and worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
Song List:
1. He Set Me Free/I'll Fly Away
2. Pray With Me
3. Fill Us, Lord
4. Peace Speaker
5. I Go To the Rock
6. Via Dolorosa
7. Favorite Song of All
8. I Can't Even Walk
9. Born Again
10. Sincerely Yours
We now have TEN published books available on Amazon, with more on the way. SEE TITLES AND DESCRIPTIONS BELOW OR VISIT AMAZON.
"I Go To The Rock"
"Favorite Song of All"
"Peace Speaker"
"Born Again"
"Fill Us, Lord"
"Sincerely Yours"
On the night of November 6, 1977, the lives of several hundred people were changed forever when a wall of water poured over the highest waterfall east of the Mississippi river.
Water dropped 186 feet onto automobile size boulders, then careened downstream 55 feet high, traveling 110 miles per hour.
It raged through a college campus, taking everything in its path, to Lake Hartwell, 20 miles away. Doug Veer was a survivor.
Within these pages you'll find the true account of what happened that stormy night in November in a small college town in North East Georgia. With God, all things are possible, even in the Valley of Death.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
Singer/songwriter and Country-Pop icon, Terri Gibbs, rose to fame in the 1980's with her widely acclaimed hit, Somebody’s Knockin’. While she was on top of the world at that point in her career, she was becoming more aware of the pursuit of a loving God who was spiritually challenging her to seek Him in a deeper way.
These writings will take you on a journey through Terri’s life. You’ll learn how she was born detrimentally premature, how her blindness was discovered, and how she fell in love with the piano at the tender age of three. She will also tell about her rise to stardom paralleled by her many family-life experiences, all of which have shaped her into the amazing woman of faith she is today.
Terri invites readers into her world. Now, for the first time she is offering front-row access to her personal, professional, and artistic life through this insightful biographical account. Drawing on interviews with Terri and with some of her closest family members, you’ll get to meet and know her in a most intimate way. This definitive portrait is a must read. And, it will leave you inspired to live a more Jesus-centered life, with the assurance that God has everything in his hands no matter the obstacle or adversity.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
with Terri Gibbs
A wild, disobedient boy leaves his home near Chicago at the age of 14, believing he can do it all, alone. He signs up for Navy service where he finds danger, intrigue, and adventure. And like many other young people, he tries alcohol and drugs. Then Doug tries marriage; he makes more than one attempt at it. But each one goes bad. Then there’s the motorcycle gangs and the illicit relationships, but his future remains destined to destruction. He even decides to accept Jesus Christ as His Savior, but somehow his commitment is shallow, leading to more years of trouble.
Later in life, through a difficult divorce, Doug loses his children. It’s at that point that he’s driven to break the law, is convicted, and faces 13½ to 27 years in a federal penitentiary.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sail the ocean in a submarine? What if the sirens went off? Would you clutch your chest as warnings bellowed that an enemy ship was near by or that your ship was approaching crush-depth or the onboard oxygen was running out? Submariners agree to risk such things when they sign up for Navy Duty. Doug Veer is one of those brave men. He joined the United States Submarine Service at just seventeen years old. He shares some of his most harrowing experiences along with funny, lighthearted stories during his time on these submersible boats.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
It's a marvelous thing to know that the Creator of the universe loves each of us so much that He sent His only Son to die on a cross for our sins. But we wouldn’t want to fall into His hands and face Him as our judge.
Meet John and Abdul--friends since grade school--they each followed their own faith which shaped their destinies. The choices were theirs to make, but the outcomes were very different. One followed Jesus as Savior; the other faced Jesus as Judge.
Will God reject us for our weaknesses and failures when we enter eternity? Not if we have applied His shed blood to cover our sins. But those who reject Him WILL be judged and will spend eternity without Him.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
There is so much to ponder and meditate upon within the Bible’s pages. The Scriptures are filled with truths and encouragement as well as examples of how to live a life of faith. “Doug” Veer has mined and captured some of the riches of God’s word, putting his reflections into Poems of Faith, while sharing the various passages that inspired his writings.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
Montreal-born musician and singer, Kathy Veer, has performed everywhere from cafés to churches to concert halls. She developed a keen interest in music at the tender age of four, wrote her first song at eleven, and began playing drums at fourteen.
She became active in big bands, rock bands, and jazz ensembles but the flip side of her success was the nightlife. Her existence spiraled into an emptiness that overshadowed her life in profound ways.
When all hope was lost, Kathy surrendered her heart to Jesus Christ. Since then her new life has become victorious with blessings beyond imagination.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer & Kathy Veer
Our God is an awesome God, whose never-ending depth of character is immeasurable. Yet, we who know Him seek Him every day that we might better understand His great love for us and His wise plan for our lives.
Poems of the Heart is a collection of inspirational poems that explore the majesty and mysteries of God, His blueprint for mankind, our role in the world, and the consequences of our choices. This array of poems would be a fine addition to your collection of treasured books.
AUTHOR: R. Douglas Veer
The Bible tells us in
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV),
"For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future."
Have you been to that place
in your life–that place where
hope can no longer be found?
Maybe you’re there now . . .
The stories you’ll find in our blogs
are tr
The Bible tells us in
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV),
"For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future."
Have you been to that place
in your life–that place where
hope can no longer be found?
Maybe you’re there now . . .
The stories you’ll find in our blogs
are true, and you’ll discover
that it’s never too late;
God IS with you and He has a
definite plan for your life.
Read on and be inspired
by real people, some famous
and some not, who have had
break-throughs and transformations
in their lives . . . all possible
because of God’s great power
and love.
Let us minister at your next
~~Men's Fellowship
~~Ladies Meetings
~~Church Services
Offering Powerful Testimonies
and Anointed Worship
Doug Veer is an ordained Baptist minister
and ministers to all denominations.
Kathy has led church based
praise and worship for several years.
She also has a background in semi-profe
Let us minister at your next
~~Men's Fellowship
~~Ladies Meetings
~~Church Services
Offering Powerful Testimonies
and Anointed Worship
Doug Veer is an ordained Baptist minister
and ministers to all denominations.
Kathy has led church based
praise and worship for several years.
She also has a background in semi-professional music.
All ministry provided on a love offering basis
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Do you spend quiet time
with the Lord each day,
reading His word and
offering your prayers to Him?
We all need to be refreshed
as we follow God.
Even Jesus spent quality time
in the Father's presence.
Our original poems are not only
inspirational, they're devotional.
They will help you meditate
on God's truths with words of
insight and found
Do you spend quiet time
with the Lord each day,
reading His word and
offering your prayers to Him?
We all need to be refreshed
as we follow God.
Even Jesus spent quality time
in the Father's presence.
Our original poems are not only
inspirational, they're devotional.
They will help you meditate
on God's truths with words of
insight and foundational
Scripture texts.
"Come near to God and
he will come near to you,"
(James 4:8; NIV).
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well,"
(Matthew 6:33; NIV).
Matthew 16: 26, “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but
lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”
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